Tamil murasu advertisements
Tamil murasu advertisements

tamil murasu advertisements tamil murasu advertisements

As per figures from Audit Bureau of Circulations, the daily average circulation of Dinakaran for the period from January to June 2016 was 11,41,965 copies, the judge said, adding that when newspapers having a circulation of only 25,000 copies were getting advertisements, Dinakaran was not given even a single advertisement from 2011, Justice Duraiswamy said. This court does not find any discrimination in the policy itself, but finds that there has been discrimination in implementing the policy.” The judge pointed out that Dinakaran and Tamil Murasu had not got even a single advertisement after 2011 and officials had not explained reasons for not releasing advertisements to the two newspapers. If the authorities and the government are true to its avowed policy of equal distribution of its advertisements, it should see that the policy is translated into action in letters and spirit. It is violative of Articles 14 and 19(1)(a) of the Constitution. Allowing their plea, Justice Duraiswamy in his 51-page order said: “The discriminatory allotment of government advertisements to different newspapers of the same category by the state government will impair freedom of the press. They wanted the government to continue releasing advertisements to their newspapers and sought to re-fix the rate for government advertisements. The judge was passing orders on the writ petitions filed by Tamil daily Dinamalar’s editor R Krishnamurthy and Kal Publications Private Limited, which brings out Tamil dailies Dinakaran and Tamil Murasu. There should not be any discrimination and the guidelines should be in place within three months, said Justice M Duraiswmay. CHENNAI: Ruling that discriminatory allotment of government advertisements to similarly placed newspapers by the state government will impair freedom of the press, the Madras high court on Thursday directed Tamil Nadu government to frame guidelines/qualifications for releasing advertisements to newspapers on the basis of circulation and other criteria.

Tamil murasu advertisements